Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air...

Welp, we've officially moved, and let me go on record saying "I'm NEVER moving again." Barring unforeseen events, Trey and I foolishly thought things were going to go off without a hitch...even with the 3 digit temperatures. Let me walk you through the past week...
Thursday morning Trey and his wonderful brother and posse meet at the house to do all of the final arrangements, walk through, etc. He gets the water hooked up, meets the property manager, and so on. Things are looking bright! However, then everything took a turn. That afternoon as everything was getting unloaded, I inconveniently forgot to put my work laptop back in my car once it was unloaded. So in the midst of hustling to get the UHaul on was run over. Sigh...and so it begins. (I know one day we'll look back and laugh on this, in fact, I think I've reached the point of delirium where I'm already laughing at the situation, perhaps it's the heat...) Moving on...
As we arrive at UHaul, I check to ensure we know where to drop said UHaul off the following day. Unfortunately due to a miscommunication....we are ONLY to drop it off back where we got it. In Cumming, GA. An hour from our new house. Spectacular. Learned my lesson.
Okay, so moving day arrives! YAY! We've got 4 strong boys, my mom and brother, and we're up at 6:30 moving and shaking hoping to avoid the hottest day of the summer. But of course, as moving goes, things take longer than expected. After 4 hours of packing the UHaul (did I mention the 3 hours the night before?), we are ready to go! Cars are loaded and the last thing to load up...the pets. Now, Ruckus (my favorite pet) LOVES car rides so of course she is psyched and ready to go. Rwwar (the bain of my existence) hates them. Hates her kennel. Hates being outside of her world at Wood Bridge. Hates the outdoors, unless she walks out there herself. So....guess who got to listen to her cry the entire hour to our new place...Yours. Truly. I was ready to kick, throw her out the window, release her in her new home within seconds of arriving for fear of what I might do to her myself if I had to listen to one more incessant cry. But we made it! Everyone is safe, and as far as we can tell, everything is safe!
Then the real fun begins...unpacking the UHaul. Sheesh. I literally was fearful for heat casualties as I slowly watched members of our moving party dropping like flies. Now with a lot of water, a lot of Gatorade, and Mom's handy wet towels of awesomeness, everyone survived with only minor bumps, bruises, and immense levels of exhaustion. YAY...a high point I suppose in the move!
Now here's where it just gets funny...we have not had air conditioning since we moved in. Go ahead, read that line again...   We are currently at 6 days, and perhaps the 6 hottest days in the 2012 summer. Brutal. We noticed after the move that it was warm upstairs but chalked it up to the doors being open and the temperature hovering around 104 degrees. However, when Saturday came and we woke up to 84 degrees in our living room we knew something was up. Then comes Sunday and now its 92. NOT okay. So Sunday evening I call the property manager to explain our situation. He informs me the AC contractor can't come til Tuesday...okay, we'll manage. Tuesday turns into Wednesday due to other unforeseen events, and Wednesday now turns into Thursday. Turns out we have a freon leak and our unit is frozen solid. Amazing. So here we are, Thursday morning, keeping my fingers crossed and saying prayers to the AC gods...please let today be the day!
On top of no air, which has driven us to the bonus room downstairs with our lovely pets for a slumber party the past four nights, our cable is messed up too! Now, this may come as no big surprise...of course it is. Transferring service is NEVER as easy as they say it will be. Wishful thinking. After an hour and a half on Saturday spent on the phone, we realize someone is going to have to come to the house. Fast forward to our appointment on Wednesday...after 2 and a half hours, a line laying in our yard because the house wasn't "cable ready" and multiple back and forth trips to his truck, the technician informs me that our bedroom needs an entirely new line run through it because there is no all. Lovely. So now I'm on the phone once again with the annoying lovely automated phone service that comes with cable television setting up yet another two to get a new line in the bedroom and another to get the cable buried since Ruckus is terrified of it and won't walk through the yard near it!
The light at the end of the tunnel is slowly drawing's to hoping that by our second week, we can finally start unpacking!

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