Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Diving right in!

Welp, we've managed to survive an eventful vacation, a move across several towns, loss of air conditioning, days without TV or Internet, a leak in the garage and now the storage room downstairs....and now we can start planning! (Notice how I said WE and. not just Sarah by herself! Woo Woo!)

So we first talked theme or style...just to make sure Trey didn't hate it! (Just being honest...) We have decided on a southern rustic look! Think mason jars...simple flowers...very natural and laid back! Not redneck...not cheap...not really even country. Just rustic. We've never been the glitzy glam type...and figured our wedding shouldn't reflect something we are not!

Now with that said, I have learned that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, knows something about wedding planning. (Not that I am complaining...all suggestions are welcome!) However, it's overwhelming! "Look into this venue" or "I saw this on Pintrest and you simply MUST do it" or "Well, you have to have engagement pictures...why wouldn't you?"

Well let me begin by saying, we are not looking to put ANYONE into debt. (Least of!) With that said, spending tens of thousands of dollars simply holds no interest to me. At the same time, I do realize that venues aren't free, flowers aren't free, food isn't free...I could go on forever! And boy do I wish they were! Wouldn't that be food...we don't ask for much here people!

So, we've got a theme, a general idea for time of year, colors, garter, and...perhaps a ceremony idea? Now those of you who had a fiance that said "Do whatever it is that you want and I'll be fine with it all..." well...I envy you! :) Okay, so I'm joking about that (somewhat). Yes, I want Trey to be involved. Yes, I want his opinion. Yes, I want him to like the things I pick out. But man, oh man, getting two somewhat stubborn, hard-headed, opinionated (even if it is done quietly) people to agree and have the same "vision," isn't as easy as people play it off to be. I'm not here to lie to you...just the facts! (Like that new show on HBO, Newsroom...if you don't watch it, you should. You'll thank me.) Now, if you aren't married, engaged, in discussions about your dream wedding with your potential groom-to-be, take it from me. It's NOT all rainbows and butterflies! Now, it is fun, and let me tell ya...if I had a million dollars I could throw one heckuva party! But trying to find the perfect place, with the perfect food, with the perfect dress, and perfect flowers, and perfect time of year...and then have another person agree that it's all perfect and it fits perfectly into your budget...Not. Realistic. So, we compromise. Here's the kicker: I'm convinced wedding planning and perhaps house hunting (and maybe having children...I don't know, I have no experience in that field) are two of the best ways to work on communication and compromise. Hey, if you're going to marry them...going through wedding planning together is certainly a way to tell if it's going to work or not! ;)

Now the trick is...finding the time to actually go find and agree on that perfect place...perfect food...and perfect dress. Fingers crossed!

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