Friday, June 22, 2012

I'm going to sleep like a champ!

We have officially found a house to live in....whew! Of all the things hanging above my head, this was easily the most stressful! Trey found out Monday, yes Monday, June 18th, that he would be the new store manager and open the Kirklands in Winder. With that said, they get the keys to the store and begin prepping it for opening on JULY 2nd. Oy vey. With this knowledge, I tried my best to NOT have a heart attack, NOT be an emotional wreck, and most of all, NOT create more stress for my new fiance. For those of you getting engaged...take a week to enjoy it and relax. (AKA: Don't try to plan a move.)
So, I spent all 30 minutes of recess and all 30 minutes of lunch (duty free of course!) calling realtors, setting appointments, and making sure the places were ready to go. With that said, by Wednesday we were ready to go look and hopefully find our newest home. Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen problems, rifts, emergencies, we were only able to look at one. So, here we are rushing home, Trey on the phone and Sarah....trying not to have a meltdown. (Men, the best thing you can learn about women is that sometimes...we just need an emotional moment. Don't question it.) So, that night, I recollected myself, spent a few hours researching, calling, and emailing every realtor in a 50 mile radius and with anything close to our price range. 
Once again, I found myself on Thursday, calling back realtors, setting appointments, and well...sending up prayers, promises of my first born, second born, third born, what have you! Followed by a painstaking productive evening of packing not just a few, but THIRTY boxes. No. Big. Deal.
And wouldn't you know we found it! Not only that, but we found THREE! We were able to take our pick from three houses and decide on the one that worked the best for us! Whew! We now have more room than we know what to do (I'm sure we'll find something!), and a fire pit! Yes, that was a selling point! :) I can shamefully, and very excitedly admit it! Roasted marshmallows anyone? 
As today ends, I reflect on how thankful....grateful....thrilled I am to have my brother, who gladly allowed himself to be dragged all across Georgia this afternoon while I got the applications and all that came along with it filled out! I very well may have gone a little stir crazy if I had to be alone in the car much longer! (Now mind you...I am paying him with food for a weekend of his packing services!) I do believe in child labor!
Until next time, I'm prepared for a full, restful night of sleep!

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