Monday, June 18, 2012

The (soon-to-be) Deaver's are on the MOVE!

That's right ladies and gents, Trey got the official word...we will be moving to Auburn, GA in t-minus 2 weeks! I am terrified, overwhelmed, panicky, THRILLED beyond belief! We will finally have a yard for Ruckus to play in, a deck to host on, a guest bedroom AND office (not merged). So plan for my next few posts to be a little less marriage adventure...and a little more HOLY COW...WE'RE MOVING IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! Do please say a prayer for me though...Lord only knows what a crazed woman is capable of!
Now, onto wedding planning adventures! (The good stuff!) We got our first "Happy Engagement" card! I was quite possibly more thrilled than one should be about a card, but there, in the midst of a lovely plate (or each roll came on one plate) of sushi, I was wiggling with anticipation to tear open that envelope and read the sweet words of encouragement and love that only friends can provide. As it would seem, we ended up trading cards as our single engagement celebration turned into a duo celebration! Our friends, Vinny and Beth, got engaged about a month ago. With the end of school, planning on moving, vacation, etc. (and that doesn't even include their busy schedules!) we were simply unable to shower them with lovely and delicious savories. However, tonight provided that opportunity and little did we know that we, too, would be receiving a love note!
Please don't think my excitement was misplaced. I LOVED sharing this experience with our families first! (I wouldn't have had it any other way in fact). However, when the opportunity came to meet up with friends...I GLADLY embraced it! Now mind you...this was AFTER the bombardment I received from my lovely Summer School colleagues! I purposely got to school at 6:30 (SAY WHAT!!!!) this morning (yes, I regretted it every minute of every hour all day long) so that I could get things done, because I knew that once my patiently awaiting colleagues arrived there would simply be no swaying them from ring gazing, story telling, and lots and LOTS of squealing!
So what did I learn today? Little love notes are entirely too exciting! I can only hope that everything is as exciting as engagement cards and dinners!

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