Sunday, June 17, 2012

It all began with a question...

Hello all,

I opted to begin this blog in all honesty to keep myself sane and have the opportunity to reflect, enjoy, cry, display my moment's of madness, and truly relish the act that is wedding planning. With that said, let's begin with where this all started...

Trey and I were friends, err...friendly acquaintances, all through college. We were friends with many of the same people, enjoyed seeing each other at social events, etc. We knew many of the same people, but weren't exactly tight. After college, we both went our separate ways and didn't think much of it. One day, Trey sent me a message on Facebook (ahh...where true love reunites. Hmm..) asking how I was doing and such. After talking off and on, he enticed me with his newly purchased (completely old school) jet ski and the allure of a beautiful lake house. That was all it took...before long, we were where we are today...crazy about each other! I opted for the Reader's Digest version as opposed to the 4 year long story of our relationship. You'll thank me for that!

Alas, on to the proposal story...let me begin by saying Trey is not a hopeless romantic, but the man does have skills and just so happens to be very very sneaky! With a busy summer looming ahead, we planned an outdoor, week long, camping adventure. I was hesitant, but prepared with a positive attitude and desire to see the great outdoors. After 6 days, almost 2000 miles, 5 different states, hours of hiking and sleeping on the soft, comfortable, ground, I finally engrossed myself in a book. Now mind sneaky boyfriend had informed me that we would be traveling home by way of Columbia, SC, so when I looked up on the road to see a sign that said "Interstate 26: Columbia and Charleston" of course I thought nothing of it. I, instead, continued full immersion into the life of a canine and all of their hilarious thought processes. So when we finally pull into Charleston, I find a way to come out of my canine filled world and notice the people walking beside us, the lack of what appeared to be an exit for a bathroom break, and all of the beautiful buildings all around. Trey simply answered my curiosity with a smile and the phrase "I don't know" in a sing songy voice! Things began to fall into place when we pulled up outside the Two Meeting Street Inn, walked in, and they knew who he was! I was further surprised when we get to our room and one of my dresses and his shoes are in the closet! (Didn't I say he was sneaky?) After pulling myself out of the world of wonderment in this beautiful bed and breakfast, we got dressed and went for a walk along the bay. We returned to our private balcony (!) overlooking Battery Street where waiting for us was a beautiful vase fragrant with the brightest lilies, a bottle of Pinot Noir (like one in our own collection), and a delicious meal from Magnolia's (our favorite restaurant!) It was after this beautiful evening that Trey asked to marry me....and then the inquisition series of questions started. I had to on earth had he pulled off all of this without me picking up on it AT ALL! Tricky tricky!

So now we come to the fun part. The part everyone says to enjoy and have fun with. Quite frankly, I feel overwhelmed. I realize it all starts with a beginning, but where do we begin? Oy vey! Therefore, if you see me and I look crazed...give me a hug! :) Regardless, I am looking forward to planning our perfect day and sharing it with all of you!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! I am so excited for you! Can't wait to read all the goings on =) XOXO
