Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Date and Place-Check!

Welp, after many visits, emails, phone calls, to various venues...We have a VENUE! ::::cheers from the crowd::::  Let me begin by telling you how it is that we stumbled upon this treasure!

You've all heard read about our trip to Heritage Green in Sandy Springs. Not too shabby. Didn't love it. Didn't hate it. It had potential. Unfortunately we weren't looking for "potential." We were looking for something unique and natural and truly reflected our style. So what did I do? Schedule more visits to venues exactly like Heritage Green. Sigh....Sarah in her brilliant moments. So after deciding that we simply could not go look at every venue together (and Trey wasn't interested in these at all!) I drag happily bring my mom along to look at two more venues that, in reality, I knew weren't exactly going to be it! She was such a trooper! So helpful and encouraging. And honest. Our first trip took us to  a lovely place in Norcross where, it just so happened, the in house caterer used to own a restaurant directly across from my mother's work! Small world right? So after hearing how delicious the food was I may have been sold! They way to a woman's heart is through her stomach...errr, anyway. However, after sharing information about the venue with my dear, very involved, fiance we decided that it was only an option if we couldn't find anything else. Fail...onto the next one!

Then, after filling our hungry bellies (smelling that tomato sauce would've made your stomach growl too!) with delicious Panera...we headed off to our next venue. As we run in to the bathroom (another brilliant moment...not going before we left Panera, GREAT first impression) Mom looks into the reception area and says "This isn't it. I can see all of the cars in the parking lot. Not a good view." Welp, I asked for honesty. BUT, like the troopers  we both are...we stuck it out as we were "pitched" into using this venue to celebrate our betrothment. Once again...fail.

So I essentially came home on Saturday after an exhausting, yet SUCCESSFUL, wedding dress shopping adventure to more failed venues. Sheesh! Welp, my very involved fiance informs me that Sunday he wants to go visit a place his aunt has mentioned to him and a state park up in Cleveland. Let me run you through my stream of consciousness regarding both of these places. State Park in Cleveland...do they do weddings in state parks? Where will we get ready? Where will we stay? There's NOTHING in Cleveland (err, very little). Oh well, I'll appease him as he has mentioned it several times. Maybe we can balance out our "failed venue ideas since I've struck out!"

On Sunday morning we get up and head up to the mountains. After speaking with the park manager we learn that all five cottages have to be rented and for two whole nights. YIKES. My first thought was, "Welp this is out...it's going to be entirely too pricey!" Turns out, being a small state park and all, it wasn't too bad! As we drive through the property and view the cottages and the landscape I being immediately talking about where I want pictures (to include a funny sign along a trail saying "Critters Welcome!"), how we could set up a ceremony on the lawn, how nice it would be to have an indoor/outdoor reception, etc. Okay, so perhaps I was a LITTLE excited.....or thrilled...or pumped. Take your pick. So, we keep it in mind (though Trey apparently secretly hoping I love it!) and head off to Loganberry Heritage Farm to check out this lovely barn his aunt has raved about!

As we arrive I am immediately in love. Flowers are everywhere. The view is spectacular. It is so incredibly unique in seating, in view, in...well, EVERYTHING! However, Trey on the other hand...didn't love it. Liked it...maybe. But love it he didn't. So, as we're talking through "logistics" with his aunt and it suddenly isn't looking so good. The more we talk, the less we love the barn...and surprisingly the more we begin to LOVE the state park. As we walk back to the cars his aunt and uncle immediately begin planning for us. (I now understand why people have a wedding planner...whew!) As ideas start swirling I am getting more and more excited, until...in all honesty, we have a plan. Now all we have to do is get the stars to align and work out exactly how we want.

And that's where things go wrong. First thing Monday morning I call, all prepared with my dates ready to lay down a deposit and finally secure our location. Only to hear "oh, two of the main cottages are booked that weekend." And...our plan crashes. Okay, Plan B: The end of Spring Break? Sure enough, someone else is getting married that weekend. Popular. UGH! So I call Trey completely devastated...and he calls the venue. So, while it may not be exactly when we want it, and it may not be the best time (not Spring Break and right before CRCT Testing) we have secure Smithgall Woods for April 19 and 20 with our ceremony taking place on the 20th! WOO HOO! So...if I seem like someone in need of sedation in April, give me a hug! :)

For those of you curious folks, here is the site: http://www.gastateparks.org/SmithgallWoods/

The cottage shown is where we will host our reception with the reception on the lawn outside! We are very excited to share our "wedding weekend" with some of our favorite people! And...I'm thrilled to at least have something to check off the long list of "to-dos!"

Friday, July 27, 2012

Said YES to the Dress!

So to begin, I FINALLY found the pictures from the Inn where Trey proposed and since it is beautiful, I wanted to share!

The sign outside the inn
Two Meeting Street Inn-Charleston, SC
Trey also, among all the other surprises, had gorgeous flowers sitting on the bistro table on our balcony when we returned!
Starburst Lilies-One of my favorites!
Now, on to the good stuff! Today my mother and I went dress shopping! Upon meeting a girl at Affordable Bridal who was getting married in November, I felt like perhaps I was jumping the gun a bit! However, after shopping and hearing how long it takes for dresses to come in (4-6 MONTHS!) I realized that perhaps...I was okay! And well, let's face it...I was ready to make a decision on something, and this one only needed approval from me (and my mother...Thanks MOM!). So, like my ring, I went in with the idea for my perfect dress. I wanted a fit and flare, sweetheart neckline, with ruching and a little bling. I tried on a scoop neckline...nope. I tried on a dress with pick-ups....nope. I even tried on a dress that weighed what felt like 50 pounds...definitely not! Here's a few of the contenders...

This one weighed a million pounds!
Finally, when I thought I was spent and going to choose through one of these options...the adorable bridal consultant (there is something to be said about a wonderful bridal experience!) brought in one final option that initially I honestly wasn't crazy about. However, after adding a jeweled belt and a simple yet blingy veil...I. Was. Sold! Even my mother, who was also a bit skeptical, just loved it! I must've stood there in it for 20 minutes. Looking every which way, moving the train, bustling the train, looking at the back, trying on various belts...OH MY! Let me tell you, making that final decision when there were SO MANY beautiful dresses wasn't easy, but at the end of the day, I am THRILLED to finally have a my dress!

Now, if only it could come in so I can sit on my couch and just enjoy this wonderful dress!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Learning about the "Sandy Springs..."

After hours, yes HOURS, of looking, emailing, calling, etc. various venues...we finally went to visit one. Only one. And, quite frankly, not even one we were very excited about. Just being honest. However, I REFUSED to sit and look any longer. I felt like it was time to explore, engage, and become excited about a venue! So on Sunday, Trey and I ventured out to Heritage Green in Sandy Springs. If you care to take a look, like my mother did (love you Mom!), here's the site. http://www.heritagesandysprings.org/

Now mind you, the entire drive there we debated, talked firmly, discussed things we liked and didn't like, days of the week, even CENTER PIECES. Yes ladies, my man talked about center pieces! Even upon arrival we were still talking about which day of the week we want...Friday or Saturday.

So here I am, sweating, standing happily outside this venue discussing what we are hoping to get out of this visit....that let me remind you, neither one of us are sold on. When all of a sudden Trey asks, "How long are you thinking this is going to take?" Oh. No. Here we go. This is our first, yes FIRST venue and already I think he's complaining. I could not have been more wrong. (yes!)

As our host shows us around the venue, here comes Trey right up beside her with QUESTIONS! Not just one or two, but a ton! He actually seemed to like this place! So I went from thinking that ten minutes into the visit he would be tapping his watch, doing his famous "time to go Sarah" eyes, and checking his phone for the Braves score. Not the case! Ding! Lucky me! I'm pretty sure I was hustled by my fiance who simply faked a lack of enthusiasm while actually spending the wee hours of the night looking into "What to ask of Wedding Venues." Now, I'm not sure if he's actually done any research or if they were generally questions that he would've asked me had I gone alone on this visit (thank goodness he was there...I hate the 20 questions game when I get home.)

So, what I can take away from this visit...even if we won't be using it, is that I truly don't need to stress much about dragging Trey all over Georgia in hopes of finding that perfect location! Whew!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Diving right in!

Welp, we've managed to survive an eventful vacation, a move across several towns, loss of air conditioning, days without TV or Internet, a leak in the garage and now the storage room downstairs....and now we can start planning! (Notice how I said WE and. not just Sarah by herself! Woo Woo!)

So we first talked theme or style...just to make sure Trey didn't hate it! (Just being honest...) We have decided on a southern rustic look! Think mason jars...simple flowers...very natural and laid back! Not redneck...not cheap...not really even country. Just rustic. We've never been the glitzy glam type...and figured our wedding shouldn't reflect something we are not!

Now with that said, I have learned that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, knows something about wedding planning. (Not that I am complaining...all suggestions are welcome!) However, it's overwhelming! "Look into this venue" or "I saw this on Pintrest and you simply MUST do it" or "Well, you have to have engagement pictures...why wouldn't you?"

Well let me begin by saying, we are not looking to put ANYONE into debt. (Least of all...us!) With that said, spending tens of thousands of dollars simply holds no interest to me. At the same time, I do realize that venues aren't free, flowers aren't free, food isn't free...I could go on forever! And boy do I wish they were! Wouldn't that be nice...free food...we don't ask for much here people!

So, we've got a theme, a general idea for time of year, colors, garter, and...perhaps a ceremony idea? Now those of you who had a fiance that said "Do whatever it is that you want and I'll be fine with it all..." well...I envy you! :) Okay, so I'm joking about that (somewhat). Yes, I want Trey to be involved. Yes, I want his opinion. Yes, I want him to like the things I pick out. But man, oh man, getting two somewhat stubborn, hard-headed, opinionated (even if it is done quietly) people to agree and have the same "vision," isn't as easy as people play it off to be. I'm not here to lie to you...just the facts! (Like that new show on HBO, Newsroom...if you don't watch it, you should. You'll thank me.) Now, if you aren't married, engaged, in discussions about your dream wedding with your potential groom-to-be, take it from me. It's NOT all rainbows and butterflies! Now, it is fun, and let me tell ya...if I had a million dollars I could throw one heckuva party! But trying to find the perfect place, with the perfect food, with the perfect dress, and perfect flowers, and perfect time of year...and then have another person agree that it's all perfect and it fits perfectly into your budget...Not. Realistic. So, we compromise. Here's the kicker: I'm convinced wedding planning and perhaps house hunting (and maybe having children...I don't know, I have no experience in that field) are two of the best ways to work on communication and compromise. Hey, if you're going to marry them...going through wedding planning together is certainly a way to tell if it's going to work or not! ;)

Now the trick is...finding the time to actually go find and agree on that perfect place...perfect food...and perfect dress. Fingers crossed!

Monday, July 9, 2012

What June Taught Me...

I apologize in advance for the list form that will take place in today's blog, however, it seemed the best way to accurately explain my life in the last 30 days.

-turns out my fiancé can plan one heckuva surprise
-sometimes nature and camping can make an adventurous and wonderful vacation
-it IS possible to find a place to live, pack your entire house, AND move in 7 short days...while also teaching Summer School
-Everyone knows something about wedding planning and genuinely wants to be helpful
-All of that help can be overwhelming...
-Life is...live able, bearable, hmmm...not horribly dreadful when you don't have air and temperatures outside top 100
-Sometimes things don't happen in threes...they happen in tens, and we can still survive WITHOUT a mental breakdown, cursing on the phone at the idiots, er..Customer Service Specialists who hold your sanity in their hands, or harming small furry animals
-There is a decent Chinese, BBQ AND Mexican restaurant in Auburn...and we've found them all.
-They may be the only decent restaurants in town. I'll touch more on that later.
-Bridal magazines are full of overpriced advertisements
-Auburn has more Ingles than Publix and Kroger combined
-I have to cross railroad tracks each day to get home
-driving on 85 is a million times better than 45 red lights
-It's easier to plan the cheap, small wedding details than the big expensive ones.
-Men aren't nearly as interested in weddings as women.
-I hate running...outside...in Summer.
-But mostly, I hate running, period.
-Small, thoughtful birthday moments are the best kind!
-And finally, moving with a loud obnoxious cat and no sedatives kinda stinks!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air...

Welp, we've officially moved, and let me go on record saying "I'm NEVER moving again." Barring unforeseen events, Trey and I foolishly thought things were going to go off without a hitch...even with the 3 digit temperatures. Let me walk you through the past week...
Thursday morning Trey and his wonderful brother and posse meet at the house to do all of the final arrangements, walk through, etc. He gets the water hooked up, meets the property manager, and so on. Things are looking bright! However, then everything took a turn. That afternoon as everything was getting unloaded, I inconveniently forgot to put my work laptop back in my car once it was unloaded. So in the midst of hustling to get the UHaul on time...it was run over. Sigh...and so it begins. (I know one day we'll look back and laugh on this, in fact, I think I've reached the point of delirium where I'm already laughing at the situation, perhaps it's the heat...) Moving on...
As we arrive at UHaul, I check to ensure we know where to drop said UHaul off the following day. Unfortunately due to a miscommunication....we are ONLY to drop it off back where we got it. In Cumming, GA. An hour from our new house. Spectacular. Learned my lesson.
Okay, so moving day arrives! YAY! We've got 4 strong boys, my mom and brother, and we're up at 6:30 moving and shaking hoping to avoid the hottest day of the summer. But of course, as moving goes, things take longer than expected. After 4 hours of packing the UHaul (did I mention the 3 hours the night before?), we are ready to go! Cars are loaded and the last thing to load up...the pets. Now, Ruckus (my favorite pet) LOVES car rides so of course she is psyched and ready to go. Rwwar (the bain of my existence) hates them. Hates her kennel. Hates being outside of her world at Wood Bridge. Hates the outdoors, unless she walks out there herself. So....guess who got to listen to her cry the entire hour to our new place...Yours. Truly. I was ready to kick, throw her out the window, release her in her new home within seconds of arriving for fear of what I might do to her myself if I had to listen to one more incessant cry. But we made it! Everyone is safe, and as far as we can tell, everything is safe!
Then the real fun begins...unpacking the UHaul. Sheesh. I literally was fearful for heat casualties as I slowly watched members of our moving party dropping like flies. Now with a lot of water, a lot of Gatorade, and Mom's handy wet towels of awesomeness, everyone survived with only minor bumps, bruises, and immense levels of exhaustion. YAY...a high point I suppose in the move!
Now here's where it just gets funny...we have not had air conditioning since we moved in. Go ahead, read that line again...   We are currently at 6 days, and perhaps the 6 hottest days in the 2012 summer. Brutal. We noticed after the move that it was warm upstairs but chalked it up to the doors being open and the temperature hovering around 104 degrees. However, when Saturday came and we woke up to 84 degrees in our living room we knew something was up. Then comes Sunday and now its 92. NOT okay. So Sunday evening I call the property manager to explain our situation. He informs me the AC contractor can't come til Tuesday...okay, we'll manage. Tuesday turns into Wednesday due to other unforeseen events, and Wednesday now turns into Thursday. Turns out we have a freon leak and our unit is frozen solid. Amazing. So here we are, Thursday morning, keeping my fingers crossed and saying prayers to the AC gods...please let today be the day!
On top of no air, which has driven us to the bonus room downstairs with our lovely pets for a slumber party the past four nights, our cable is messed up too! Now, this may come as no big surprise...of course it is. Transferring service is NEVER as easy as they say it will be. Wishful thinking. After an hour and a half on Saturday spent on the phone, we realize someone is going to have to come to the house. Fast forward to our appointment on Wednesday...after 2 and a half hours, a line laying in our yard because the house wasn't "cable ready" and multiple back and forth trips to his truck, the technician informs me that our bedroom needs an entirely new line run through it because there is no signal...at all. Lovely. So now I'm on the phone once again with the annoying lovely automated phone service that comes with cable television setting up yet another two appointments...one to get a new line in the bedroom and another to get the cable buried since Ruckus is terrified of it and won't walk through the yard near it!
The light at the end of the tunnel is slowly drawing nearer...here's to hoping that by our second week, we can finally start unpacking!