Friday, June 22, 2012

I'm going to sleep like a champ!

We have officially found a house to live in....whew! Of all the things hanging above my head, this was easily the most stressful! Trey found out Monday, yes Monday, June 18th, that he would be the new store manager and open the Kirklands in Winder. With that said, they get the keys to the store and begin prepping it for opening on JULY 2nd. Oy vey. With this knowledge, I tried my best to NOT have a heart attack, NOT be an emotional wreck, and most of all, NOT create more stress for my new fiance. For those of you getting engaged...take a week to enjoy it and relax. (AKA: Don't try to plan a move.)
So, I spent all 30 minutes of recess and all 30 minutes of lunch (duty free of course!) calling realtors, setting appointments, and making sure the places were ready to go. With that said, by Wednesday we were ready to go look and hopefully find our newest home. Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen problems, rifts, emergencies, we were only able to look at one. So, here we are rushing home, Trey on the phone and Sarah....trying not to have a meltdown. (Men, the best thing you can learn about women is that sometimes...we just need an emotional moment. Don't question it.) So, that night, I recollected myself, spent a few hours researching, calling, and emailing every realtor in a 50 mile radius and with anything close to our price range. 
Once again, I found myself on Thursday, calling back realtors, setting appointments, and well...sending up prayers, promises of my first born, second born, third born, what have you! Followed by a painstaking productive evening of packing not just a few, but THIRTY boxes. No. Big. Deal.
And wouldn't you know we found it! Not only that, but we found THREE! We were able to take our pick from three houses and decide on the one that worked the best for us! Whew! We now have more room than we know what to do (I'm sure we'll find something!), and a fire pit! Yes, that was a selling point! :) I can shamefully, and very excitedly admit it! Roasted marshmallows anyone? 
As today ends, I reflect on how thankful....grateful....thrilled I am to have my brother, who gladly allowed himself to be dragged all across Georgia this afternoon while I got the applications and all that came along with it filled out! I very well may have gone a little stir crazy if I had to be alone in the car much longer! (Now mind you...I am paying him with food for a weekend of his packing services!) I do believe in child labor!
Until next time, I'm prepared for a full, restful night of sleep!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Let the decision making begin!

Let me begin with a disclaimer...all decision stated over the next few months (until paid for) are subject to change! Let's just hope they don't change too much!
With that said, two decisions have been made:
Dress....Haven't even looked
Food...we'll get there
Photographer...not even close
What we do have is this....COLORS and Garter Design! :)
One thing that Trey and I have loved doing over the past 4 years is attending Braves games. It seems only fitting that we find a way, quietly of course, to share this special part of our lives. And what better way than a lacey elastic band around my thigh!!!
Now onto the good decision..the colors! After much thought, and looking, and deliberation, and well, a lot of things! We are thinking about lilac and yellow. (This is where the subject to change bit comes into play!) With the time of year we are aiming at (spring), I think these colors would lend us to a lot of truly beautiful options! And let's face it, who doesn't love a cheerful color like yellow? So with that, suggestions are MORE than welcome! I'm open to flowers, centerpiece arrangements, anything regarding decorating in fact!
Think something along these lines...
Pinned Image

I'll continue to update when house hunting stops taking over my life!

Monday, June 18, 2012

The (soon-to-be) Deaver's are on the MOVE!

That's right ladies and gents, Trey got the official word...we will be moving to Auburn, GA in t-minus 2 weeks! I am terrified, overwhelmed, panicky, THRILLED beyond belief! We will finally have a yard for Ruckus to play in, a deck to host on, a guest bedroom AND office (not merged). So plan for my next few posts to be a little less marriage adventure...and a little more HOLY COW...WE'RE MOVING IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! Do please say a prayer for me though...Lord only knows what a crazed woman is capable of!
Now, onto wedding planning adventures! (The good stuff!) We got our first "Happy Engagement" card! I was quite possibly more thrilled than one should be about a card, but there, in the midst of a lovely plate (or each roll came on one plate) of sushi, I was wiggling with anticipation to tear open that envelope and read the sweet words of encouragement and love that only friends can provide. As it would seem, we ended up trading cards as our single engagement celebration turned into a duo celebration! Our friends, Vinny and Beth, got engaged about a month ago. With the end of school, planning on moving, vacation, etc. (and that doesn't even include their busy schedules!) we were simply unable to shower them with lovely and delicious savories. However, tonight provided that opportunity and little did we know that we, too, would be receiving a love note!
Please don't think my excitement was misplaced. I LOVED sharing this experience with our families first! (I wouldn't have had it any other way in fact). However, when the opportunity came to meet up with friends...I GLADLY embraced it! Now mind you...this was AFTER the bombardment I received from my lovely Summer School colleagues! I purposely got to school at 6:30 (SAY WHAT!!!!) this morning (yes, I regretted it every minute of every hour all day long) so that I could get things done, because I knew that once my patiently awaiting colleagues arrived there would simply be no swaying them from ring gazing, story telling, and lots and LOTS of squealing!
So what did I learn today? Little love notes are entirely too exciting! I can only hope that everything is as exciting as engagement cards and dinners!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

It all began with a question...

Hello all,

I opted to begin this blog in all honesty to keep myself sane and have the opportunity to reflect, enjoy, cry, display my moment's of madness, and truly relish the act that is wedding planning. With that said, let's begin with where this all started...

Trey and I were friends, err...friendly acquaintances, all through college. We were friends with many of the same people, enjoyed seeing each other at social events, etc. We knew many of the same people, but weren't exactly tight. After college, we both went our separate ways and didn't think much of it. One day, Trey sent me a message on Facebook (ahh...where true love reunites. Hmm..) asking how I was doing and such. After talking off and on, he enticed me with his newly purchased (completely old school) jet ski and the allure of a beautiful lake house. That was all it took...before long, we were where we are today...crazy about each other! I opted for the Reader's Digest version as opposed to the 4 year long story of our relationship. You'll thank me for that!

Alas, on to the proposal story...let me begin by saying Trey is not a hopeless romantic, but the man does have skills and just so happens to be very very sneaky! With a busy summer looming ahead, we planned an outdoor, week long, camping adventure. I was hesitant, but prepared with a positive attitude and desire to see the great outdoors. After 6 days, almost 2000 miles, 5 different states, hours of hiking and sleeping on the soft, comfortable, ground, I finally engrossed myself in a book. Now mind sneaky boyfriend had informed me that we would be traveling home by way of Columbia, SC, so when I looked up on the road to see a sign that said "Interstate 26: Columbia and Charleston" of course I thought nothing of it. I, instead, continued full immersion into the life of a canine and all of their hilarious thought processes. So when we finally pull into Charleston, I find a way to come out of my canine filled world and notice the people walking beside us, the lack of what appeared to be an exit for a bathroom break, and all of the beautiful buildings all around. Trey simply answered my curiosity with a smile and the phrase "I don't know" in a sing songy voice! Things began to fall into place when we pulled up outside the Two Meeting Street Inn, walked in, and they knew who he was! I was further surprised when we get to our room and one of my dresses and his shoes are in the closet! (Didn't I say he was sneaky?) After pulling myself out of the world of wonderment in this beautiful bed and breakfast, we got dressed and went for a walk along the bay. We returned to our private balcony (!) overlooking Battery Street where waiting for us was a beautiful vase fragrant with the brightest lilies, a bottle of Pinot Noir (like one in our own collection), and a delicious meal from Magnolia's (our favorite restaurant!) It was after this beautiful evening that Trey asked to marry me....and then the inquisition series of questions started. I had to on earth had he pulled off all of this without me picking up on it AT ALL! Tricky tricky!

So now we come to the fun part. The part everyone says to enjoy and have fun with. Quite frankly, I feel overwhelmed. I realize it all starts with a beginning, but where do we begin? Oy vey! Therefore, if you see me and I look crazed...give me a hug! :) Regardless, I am looking forward to planning our perfect day and sharing it with all of you!