Wednesday, December 26, 2012

As the year comes to a close...and our wedding gets closer...

With Christmas now behind me and 2012 coming to an end, I suppose it's time to update! (Even my father pointed out that it has been quite some time.) The honest truth is, there hasn't been too much wedding excitement happening! But, with what has happened, I suppose I can fill you in!

Throughout this process, things have either been incredibily easy, or a bit of a challenge. The venue...a challenge. Photographer...easy! Food...easy! Cakes...EASY (and SCRUMPTIOUS!) Even rentals...easy!

Now where we struggled first was...bridal party. How big is too big? How small is too small? Where do we stop? Who do we choose? How do we select people that 20 years from now are still making a point to be in our lives? Do we have to have an even number? Are we going to hurt the feelings of people we care about? Decisions...Decisions..   With that said, we opted to go with a bridal party of four, two on Trey's side, two on my side. Yes, it's small, however, we felt like perhaps we needed to keep things small, people who were close by, and those who have been an integral part of not just my life or Trey's life, but our life as a couple. So, ladies and gents...I present to you:

Best Man: Brett Deaver

Groomsman: Brian Hales

Man of Honor: Destin Dunham

Bridesmaid: Ellen Forstrrom

As you can see, I'm hoping we picked some winners! :) Trey and I decided that since we were having such a small party we needed to "wine and dine" and hopefully coax them into agreeing to assist us and provide all the help that we are going to need! Now, we haven't had the chance to wine and dine everyone yet, but we were able to take Destin out to a lovely French restaurant in Atlanta called Atmosphere...and when it finally came time to bring up why we were taking him out, he already had things figured out! Apparently, we are nearly as sneaky as we thought! Oh well, turns out Ellen is MUCH MORE oblivious to our sneaky ways as she did not see it coming at all! We met Ellen at one of our favorite tapas restaurants in Crabapple called Sip (thank you Susanne Oreszko!) She was so thrilled, she got in touch with her mom immediately to tell her the news! With that behind us, our next step was bridesmaid dress!

With only one female to shop for, mom and I had a blast! Ellen was like our own personal Barbie doll (thanks for being such a good sport!) In true fashion, Ellen was running late! Thankfully my dress had just arrived and I was able to try it on!!!! (When I tell you...longest 3 minutes of my life while they laced and then zipped it up!) Now, I have to admit (as a sidebar) that I love my dress even more now than when I picked it out! WOO HOO! So after probably 8-10 dresses, we decided on an incredibly fun, yet flattering, tea length, sweetheart neckline with fun pick ups dress in the most gorgeous shade of purple! Err...I believe it's "eggplant" to be exact! Check that off the list! I can't wait to see it on her in the proper color and size!

Now, the most recent (and perhaps longest) discussion/difficult decision we've come across is invitations. We don't want something too expensive as...the majority are going to be thrown away. Yet, we don't want anything that doesn't match the day either. I'm pretty sure together we have looked at more invitations than venues! (And that's hard to top!) Thankfully, one of the ladies I work with has an Etsy store where she and her sister make PAPER PRODUCTS!!!!! As soon as I found that out, I immediately bombarded this poor girl with a slew of questions in hopes of having our dream invitation created rather than found! With that said, we are currently in the process of getting a sample put together and I couldn't be happier! However, once they are all made, we will be looking to recruit those wonderful members of our bridal party to help address, stuff, seal, and stamp all of our gorgeous invitations! For those of you in need of paper products, here is Ashley's store on Etsy! Be sure to take a look!

As for our next steps, welp, I've got 2 pages of things to do! Thankfully that dear fiance of mine will be taking an ENTIRE week off in January to start running some errands, getting things locked down, etc! For now we are looking forward to registering tomorrow (I'll be sure to blog about that once we're all done...hopefully with no horror stories!) and enjoy our final 115 days!

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