Friday, January 4, 2013

How did we get to only 99 days??

So turns out, hitting the actual year of our wedding brought on MAJOR feelings of "we've got a whole lotta junk to do!" Now, please don't think for a minute that I didn't realize we had a lot to do...I just didn't realize that as soon as 2013 hit and I saw that we are almost to a double digit countdown, I would suddenly be overcome with a sense of "what on Earth have I been doing for the past 6 months?" Alas, such is life, and I suppose it's time to get crackin'!

So, what was accomplished this week....
-HOPEFULLY a dress for my mother
-Found and spoke with our officiant
-Set up my first fitting appointment (so please, do not offer me a cupcake until after February 10!)
-Found a lady to make my "something blue" for the inside of my dress
-Met with a make up lady

If I can keep up 4 things a week...we should be fine! under control!  able to avoid a complete meltdown!

So, time to elaborate on what was accomplished (gotta focus on the postives right?) After much clawing, scratching, demanding, nicely reminding repeatedly Mom and I headed to a dress shop close to where I live! Now, if there is one thing I've learned watching multiple woman (and remembering the thoughts in my own head) try on form fitting's matter how secure you are in your looks and body, you WILL be insecure at some point. So, after going through a few styles dresses (avoiding the "I'm older than 60" look and "I'm a sexy cougar!" look of course!) we found something that looked stunning. Beautiful. Amazing. Perfect! I, of course, was thrilled but knew it was Mom's choice. So, we immediately go see color options and, as if by fate, found a GORGEOUS light green color that would match not only her skin tone, eyes, etc...but also it would match so perfectly with my dress, the bridesmaid dress, the flowers, the venue, EVERYTHING! So here I stand, my innards doing somersaults hoping my mother "says yes to the dress" and I'm followed with "Let me think on it." Oy vey. (Kisses Mom!) So, with the remembrance that this is for my mother and at the end of the day I want something that she loves and makes her feel amazing, we move on to the Mall and run through a few department stores. Pretty disappointing really. So, we have an appointment at one other place this Sunday! Fingers crossed for something amazing!!

Next up, we have debated an officiant for a while. We wanted it to be someone special, someone who knew us, and could speak about us. So, we finally decided on Trey's uncle, James. We spent some time with him during our vacation a few summers ago. He is thoroughly enjoyable and has some sentimental value to both of us. We had not had the opportunity to speak with him since he lives in Fort Lauderdale and we haven't seen him in a while, so when I found out he'd be coming to the Deaver Family Christmas I was ELATED! I immediately called Trey and informed him of our good fortune, and he responded (in true Trey fashion) "well good, that way if he disagrees we can send him 'swimming with the fishes' in the river." Yup, that's what I'm marrying, can't you tell I'm proud? Well, after we cornered him outside and proposed our idea of having him officiant, he was thrilled! WHEW! Check that off the list! It will be so wonderful having him stand up there facilitating our ceremony!

Now to my moment of "oh shit!" (Sorry for the happens.) I blame it all on my "Man of Honor." Tuesday night (the night before I went back to school) he sends me a message stating: "What are the dates for your bachelor and bachelorette parties?" Now, in 2012 I thought "we've got PLENTY of time for that." In 2013, I'm a little stressed because it isn't scheduled yet! But it all will be, I just know it's fine! And had it been left at just that...I probably would've been okay. Unfortunately, I didn't stop there. The stream of questions went something like this, "When are we going to schedule those? What's the etiquette behind those? Who is supposed to plan it? Who is supposed to pay for it? When are your showers? How many showers are you having? Who is going to be hosting those showers? Are you going to have them themed or just family? Perhaps your mom could talk to my aunt about helping out? When are we going to have an invitation sample? Are we planning on doing direction cards? What do we need to do about the scrapbook? Are you planning on going to look at those soon?" GOODNESS GRACIOUS...and I wondered why I didn't sleep that night. Hmmm.... my favorite part was the following day when I got not one, not two, but THREE text messages stating how I need to get in touch with our photographer about the polaroids and speak with the girl who is setting up our invitations about when they will be ready. Whew...I love my fiance, I love my fiance, I love my fiance.

And here, I thought he was going to be worrying about our honeymoon. Silly me. :)

So, as we move through the next few weeks, just send a few positive vibes my way! They'd be greatly appreciated! Turns out, I haven't had a bridezilla moment yet! (Although my fiance may disagree!)

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