Thursday, August 30, 2012

Headed to an AA Meeting...

And by AA...I don't mean Alcoholics Anonymous, but rather a meeting with Mrs. Amy Arrington (Truelove!) Last night Trey and I hiked our happy butts up to Gainesville (at 5pm mind you) to meet with Amy and her husband regarding photography for our wedding!

I, personally, was so thrilled to once again be back on the Wedding Planning Train, after a multiple week sabatical where school took over my life. I had emailed SEVERAL photographers, looked at a million blogs, and truly spent entirely too long on this decision. So when Trey's aunt mentioned this lady out of North Georgia (woo hoo!) who was our age...I was on board! And then, upon talking to Amy over email, I was really won over! I had received so many of the "standard" email stating congrats on our engagement, pricing, willingness to meet, etc. Quite frankly, I don't blame them! I'm sure emails are a dime a dozen in that industry. Actually, I could be wrong, maybe they aren't. Turns out...I don't know much about making a living being a photographer. ANYWAY...I really got a good feeling about her, but felt like things were just too easy.

So, finally, I took the leap, decided it was time to make a decision, and set up an appointment (after consulting my partner in crime on his schedule...which I already knew because he fails to have any concept of weekly planning!) Upon discussing this plan, Trey asks me roughly how long I think this meeting will answer: 30-45 minutes. I couldn't have been more wrong!

As Wednesday arrives, I am wiggling with excitement and running around like a mad woman trying to ensure that as soon as the last kid is out of the office, my happy butt is in the car on the way to Gainesville! Welp, OF COURSE, not only did we have 1 child come back on the bus, but we also had 4...FOUR...who were not picked up in car riders! UGH! Thankfully, after making multiple phone calls, and hiding my rising worry, I was released to go!

Let me just say that 85 was my friend that day as I drove under the speed limit to get home, where my happy fiance was waiting patiently. When we arrived at Atlanta Bread Company (great meeting spot...even if we didn't eat), we immediately started talking! I think Trey even became more excited than I did! Not only did we get to share our ideas, but they were able to share some of their own and wisdom that we newbies simply don't have. As the evening went on, our conversation changed from wedding to personal lives to pets (for a long time....those of you who know us know we LOVE our pets and could talk about them at lengths longer than the average person cares to listen!) and even to travel and plans of places to visit. I'll be honest, at one point I almost told Trey to hush so someone else could talk! (I think he was a little excited!) My theory on a 30-45 minutes meeting was way off! Turns out, at the end of the day we were there for almost 3 and a half hours! At that point, not only had we invested quite a bit of time, but we were both sold! We loved their work, they seemed to truly understand the non-traditional look we were going for, and we spent 3 and a half hours talking to them! That's just nuts!

So with that said, we've now covered.....dress...venue...photographer! Next up, caterer!

In the mean time, take a look at Amy's blog! She is just wonderful!

Amy Arrington Photography

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Here on the Hales/Deaver front, we've had some excitement! As in...prize winnings! Err...winning! (Definitely only one, not multiple!) My mother and I attended the Georgia Bridal Expo two weekends ago at the Cobb Galleria Center. Mom and I were both informed at just how "overwhelming" it would be. Now of course, I thought this would be a fun opportunity to scope out some deals...and see some wonderful ideas! I couldn't imagine the thought of being overwhelmed by loads of yummy treats, beautiful dresses, and lots and lots of giveaways! I have to tell ya, I'll be the first to admit...BOY was I wrong! Mom and I walked in and simply did not know where to start. We also had trouble with the massive number of venue and dress booths...both of which, we already have covered. We also discovered from many booths that due to the location of our venue, we would be charged a travel fee on top of the fees to use their services. (Definitely not what I wanted to hear.) Now I will say that the food samples were absolutely delicious! We had planned on going to lunch afterwards and to our luck, we ate more than I'd like to admit! But boy, was it delicious!!! So after visiting all the booths and gathering more pamphlets and paperwork that I ever wanted, we made our way for the car thinking that was the end of our bridal expo experience. 

Fast forward to Tuesday. On my way home from an awesome, amazing, incredibly frustrating day at work, I receive a phone call from a representative with TownCraft Cookware saying that I had WON the drawing from the Expo! What was my prize you ask? A catered dinner at our house (woo hoo!) and $300 worth of cookware! Now I'm pumped! I never win these things and this one sounded relatively promising! So as I run through the house telling Trey about it and deciding who to invite and such, my dear friend Rebecca informs me that while it's great that I've reality, it's a sales pitch. Dreams...crushed! (Just kidding Rebecca!) With that said, I immediately got pumped once again at the idea of some of my favorite people all together and I didn't have to do ANY work!

Fast forward to yesterday! So after running home from school to ensure that all plates/cups/bowls are put away, clothes are off the floor, beds are made, etc everyone starts to arrive! Now despite the quickly flattening tire from the Harris clan that made for some pre-dinner excitement, we were all set and ready to go about 7pm. Quietly thanking myself for taking the time to clean the countertops one last time and put the last few dishes away I note that my entire kitchen is covered in cookware! (If only our prize had been $3000 instead of $300, we might've had something more to show from it!) The cooking show began with Matthew (the young face of the company) chomping on gum and informing us about the events of the evening. After a five minute blurb, he was benched for the remainder of the evening. Newbies gotta learn somehow. At that point, Larry took over. A true salesman. Like I said, if only I had $3000! He proceeds to compare TownCraft products to other standard cookware and then makes us TASTE the effects of the pan on boiled water. To best explain how it tasted, I gave Ruckus my spoon to lick (I sure wasn't about to drink all of that nastiness), and she promptly begins shaking her head like crazy and running to the water bowl! (We always claim that she's like a little human!) Back to he cooks he is continually explaining how the various pieces of cookware can be used (ie: stacking pots and pans filled on top of the electric skillet and continuing to cook everything inside...neat trick!) So after watching Larry's song and dance, and trying to keep the boys in the group from harassing them too much...boys will be boys, we were finally able to eat! YES! Now unfortunately, the food was maybe a C- in quality (we like spices in this house!) So after chowing down (let's be honest, by this point we were starving!) Larry proceeds into his "sales" mode. Another unfortunate....turns out our $300 prize didn't win us a whole lot! I was AMAZED at the price of these items! An electric skillet for $800!!!! A dutch oven for almost a GRAND! WHAT! Welp, we certainly don't have that kinda money lying around, so we thanked Larry and Matthew for there time, embraced our new "man pan" and called the evening a night!

I knew going in that this could go wonderfully or poorly, and despite the mediocre food and the bummer on our prize, we had an amazing time! The evening could not have been better with the fun crowd we had! They truly made the evening much more entertaining than what I originally thought possible! After an evening like that, I am even more excited about our "wedding weekend!"

For those of you who are interested, here's what we won...that Trey plans to use TOMORROW for fajitas!