Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bring on the RSVP's!

I have to say, checking the mail has never been this exciting!!! Each day I come home and look forward to opening it up in hopes of finding one our little, brown, RSVP cards!

Other than that, I suppose the countdown is finally REALLY real! This week we will hit 50 days...AHH! This past weekend brought a four day weekend with my main squeeze! We swore to do very little wedding stuff, and just enjoy our time together! The only plans we officially had was meeting with Judy to discuss and view all the decor plans! I'd love to share all of the pictures I took, but I don't want to spoil the surprises!!! We spent quite some time looking over all the arrangements and pictures of flowers! Turns out....Trey's aunt, Judy, is VERY talented!

We also spent several hours Monday up at Smithgall with our photographers, Amy Arrington and her husband, Brandon! Not only was it amazing to share our venue with them and discuss all the picture options! We dragged  walked with them through all of the cottages discussing all sorts of fun shots we could get throughout the area! One of my favorite ideas came from looking at the river! Trey and I will both have on rainboots while playing in the river!!! Now...of course, Trey...who takes everything too far...expresses his plan to push me into the river!...yes, with my dress on. Now, we'll see if that plan actually comes to fruition. Anyway, with that said....check out her site! They are amazing! Amy Arrington Photography

Now, onto a small stresser that came up this week! On Friday, Trey, Brett, Dawnn, and I went to Blue Ridge for a funeral. After over 5 hours with much of the church crew from Trey's childhood, we head home. While having dinner my frustrating, insane, wonderful man informs me that he wants to invite several people there! SAY WHAT! Then proceeds to ask how many invitations we have left....when I inform him that we had four extras, he proceeds to ask for not one, not two, not even THREE...but TEN. Yes, 1-0! MORE! Wait...WHAT? So, thankfully, I contact Ashley that evening asking for 10 more invitations! And OF COURSE, being as awesome as she was, obliged quickly! (And in my head I'm thinking...point for Sarah for finding someone to do handmade invitations!) So not only were they awesome and unique, but also incredibly accommodating! Check them out also...she can do anything! Palmetto Peaches

With that said, I am beyond thankful that we people who go along with our crazy desires no matter how spacey we could be! Thank you Amy Arrington Photography and Palmetto Peaches!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

No chicken biscuits please!

All right, I officially understand why people say "I'm ready for it to be over." I absolutely, positively, in no shape form or fashion understand how people have long engagements. I feel like we've been planning this 24 hour long event FOR-EV-ER! (Note the Sandlot reference...) Now, please don't get me wrong...I'm not complaining, whining, griping, or well...anything else of the sort. (For those of you who like to reference my "tirades..." But I am ready for this day to happen! I'm ready to finally have my dress at home, I'm ready to see how everything has come together, I'm....just....READY! So with that said, onto what has been accomplished lately...

After getting our bands picked out, the wonderful Ashley Deas (whom I work with) from Palmetto Peaches (you can find them on ETSY!!!) dropped off our invitations to me one day at school! EEEKKKK!!!! Okay, now let me preface this by stating just how shockingly amazing and responsible my fiance was! I called him on my home one day and he informs me that NOT ONLY did he pick up stamps for the wedding and the RSVP postcards, BUT he also got postcards that say "Love" on them. Now, perhaps I should've given him more credit, but I was sure he was going to come home with 80 flag stamps. Silly me! Now mind you, the RSVP postcards were not quite as perfect......they had apples on them! Oh well, at least he remembered to get them! We're making progress people! So,  moving on....with invitations in hand, I called in "the troops" to help me address them all! With a Dunkin Donuts coffee in hand and a bagel toasted, we sat down for roughly 3 hours addressing, stamping, filling, and even checking addresses. Now if there are two things I've learned from writing the addresses by hand it's this: just sit down and do it. Get it done and over with. The second thing....make sure you get extra envelopes for any errors. Turns out...white out, not to be used as a back up plan in this case!

They were all dropped off at the post office last week...and now we sit back and wait to see who will be there to celebrate with us! (Perhaps one of the best parts of this planning process!)

Now to perhaps the bride's most worrisome appointment...the dress fitting. This past Sunday was my first dress fitting. I'll be honest, I was nervous. Not sure why...I haven't changed much...but nevertheless, I was still nervous. After waiting for what felt like hours (due to the lacing that got mixed up on multiple occasions), she zipped it up! Now I know they talk about these "bridal" moments....and I will say, there have been no tears. HOWEVER, this is the third time I've put my dress on now, and each time it just gets better and better!!! I even made Mom take a picture of me this time! (Okay, a little vain....)

After getting my dress all sorted out, I got to see Ellen in her dress also! Now I realize that perhaps a "fun" dress was maybe not the direction many people would've gone...that was exactly where we went! I L-O-V-E-D her dress! I loved it on her...I loved the color...I loved the fit! I just loved it all! It was so exciting to have both of our dresses fit, look good, AND only need minimal alterations! WAHOO!

From there, we moved on to the tux shop to meet the boys and decide what they would be wearing. I must admit this is the appointment I have been dreading perhaps more than my dress fitting. For months Trey has adamantly wanted a traditional black tux...with a white dinner jacket. Now, let me set the scene....2pm in April in the middle of a state park. White dinner jacket + state park? Not my favorite idea. We have gone back and forth in this discussion so there was no telling what direction we would finally end up going. As Mom and I arrived, sure enough Brett (who would be representing Trey) was standing there in a black tux...with a white dinner jacket. I tried really hard to be open to it...I did. However, it just wasn't my favorite. So, we decided to look at some other options....we ended up using both my brother and Brett to model what Trey would be wearing and then what the best man, groomsman, and man of honor would be wearing. Thankfully we agreed on.....a black tux-style suit for Trey (YAY!) and a dark charcoal suit for all of the other guys! It looked so great and I am certain it will look wonderful on all of the guys! remembering to "pick my battles," Trey has asked for all the guys to wear..........BOW-TIES! Yup, you saw that right. Bow. Ties. Welp, I can't have everything go my way! :)

And now, we sit back and finish planning the smaller details!